Note, This is the Best Time for Jogging

Note, This is the Best Time for Jogging

Jogging is included as a type of exercise that can be done by everyone. Because, this sport is considered light because it can be done by walking or jogging.

Even though it seems simple, the best time to do this sport is still being debated. Most people think jogging is best done in the morning. Others think that this physical activity should be done in the afternoon. So, which is the best time actually?

Best Time for Jogging

Quoted from, actually jogging can be done in the morning and evening. Done in the morning or evening, both have benefits for the body. The following is an explanation of the benefits:

1. Jogging in the morning

Ideally, the right time in the morning for jogging is 05.30 to 07.00 WIB. However, you can still do it from 08.00 to 09.00 WIB.

A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise evaluated how women responded to food after a morning workout. Participants in this study were divided into two groups, namely those who have a healthy weight, and those who are obese.

When the two groups walked briskly for 45 minutes, they were less distracted by photos of the delicious-looking food. Compared with those who do not exercise at all.

Based on this morning’s activity, on the days the participants exercised in the morning, they also increased their physical activity throughout the day by more, than the days they did not exercise in the morning.

Additional benefits of working out in the morning include a boost in metabolism, meaning you’ll continue to burn calories throughout the day.

2. Jogging in the afternoon

While it may seem like the morning is the ideal time to exercise, working out in the afternoon can’t hurt either. The right time to do this is in the afternoon, from 16.30 to 18.00 WIB.

The body’s ability to move dynamically will be maximized in the afternoon. Body temperature will increase throughout the day, which allows the body to optimize muscle function and strength, enzyme activity, and have higher endurance. Also, the kinetics of oxygen uptake is faster at night, which means you can use energy more slowly and effectively than in the morning.

Conversely, working out in the morning can also require an additional warm-up addition to the routine, which can take the focus out of the workout. In addition, in the evening and at night, the body’s reaction time is considered the fastest, making it suitable for doing sports such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

The afternoon is also when heart rate and blood pressure are lowest, which reduces the chance of injury while increasing athletic performance.

Benefits of Jogging for Body Health

Like other sports in general, jogging can provide health benefits, namely:

1. Burn calories

Running is a cardio exercise that can burn calories. When calories are burned, this will automatically reduce calories in the body. This will have an impact on weight loss and better body metabolism.

2. Relax the mind

Many people like runninbecause this sport can relax the mind. Japanese national writer, Haruki Murakami, once wrote a book called What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, how running can remove his stalemate in writing, and stimulate his creativity.

An explanation of why running can relax the mind can be read in the 5 Benefits of Running in the Morning for Mental and Mental Health.

3. Increase endurance

Jogging can also increase endurance. Why is that? When running, the muscles of the body are trained to become stronger. Likewise with the pumping ability of the heart and respiratory system. This is what makes why this physical activity can increase physical endurance.